Lyric and I had a wonderful experience in Polite Puppy training. Debbie was excellent; her commanding knowledge of dog cognition and motivation was very instructive. She does a great job “translating” dog behavior into human terms. She is passionate in her commitment to improving the welfare of dogs and their relationships with their caregivers. Lyric learned to obey basic commands, it’s true. But more importantly, I received the training and education that I needed to interact with Lyric in a win-win way that creates long-term bonding and skill retention. Based on time-tested learning theories, the training provides a solid behavioral foundation for the dog and her owner. I would highly recommend it.
- Susan L. Staggs, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
The CGC class was great! This was our second class we've taken with Debbie so we knew we would be in good hands. She is incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. One of Gunther's major hurdles to pass the CGC was to allow friendly strangers to pet him without shying away. After a couple of classes and a couple of great tips from Debbie, we started seeing a major improvement! He passed the test with flying colors and is now a Canine Good Citizen. It's so great to see him more comfortable when strangers (and friends) pet him! Great class, great instructor, and well worth the time, money and effort!
- Kara Fromme
I just wanted to send a quick repsonse back over to you about the puppy course. Everything did meet our expectations and the trainer Debbie was wonderful, knowledgeable and patient which is something I get a bit nervous about when Oscar tended to act up in certain situations. I would definitely recommend to a friend based on the succes and progress we've seen with Oscar over the past 6 weeks. I felt it was time and money well spent and have noticed a significant increase in obedience and maturity since starting the course. With the methods covered in class I am confident we have a much better understanding of the tools we need to use in the future to continue to move forward in a positive and trusting relationship with Oscar. Thanks, Jeff Eisel
Jason, Ripley and I think that Debbie must be a goddess. No, scratch that, we KNOW that she is a goddess! I am a farm girl. I've spent years with a panoply of species and Jason and I spent a long time preparing for our "city-puppy". Seriously, I read no less than a dozen "training books" and bring my background w/ animals to the table so I thought I knew what I was doing. Within six weeks Debbie made all that history come to life and she added so much more. Her course was common sense, kind, intellectually stimulating and the best thing that we could have ever done for our family. I just wish she trained cats, as we have three that could use it. Sorry, to be so long-winded, but I am so overwhelmingly impressed with Debbie and I am NOT easily impressed. Understand, that Jason and I are singing your praises everywhere we go. And the proof is in the pooch! Daily, people remark on how well behaved Ripley is and we say the same thing: "Debbie Bickford. Do yourself and you dog a favor and call them A.S.A.P." I look forward for a long and loving relationship w/ y'all! Thank you for all the fabulous work that you do. My sincerest best, Amber
I have tried other beginning obedience classes and individual training. By far, Debbie's class exceeds her competitors and she surpassed my expectations. She is very articulate, knowledgeable, and an excellent instructor. In general, many people who try to be instructors know their material yet do not know how to "teach" it to others effectively. I was so happy to be a part of her class and to see she is an expert at what she does. Such a professional touch is her documenting material and homework assignments, provided in take-home material. She goes above and beyond others with "special touches". Without a doubt, Paris will be enrolled in Good Manners 2, in addition to other training classes. THANKS Debbie!!
- Pamela Ethridge & Paris